Sunday, 3 January 2010

Loose Change 9/11 2009 version review

When I first heard about the 9/11 event on the world trade centres back in 2001 I was actually excited about it. Its not very often we get a huge shocking event a disaster that shakes the minds of people and I enjoy the intensity of it all. I know how heartless that sounds but I don't think I could truly grasp the real horror of the event without seeing it in person but for some reason it did effect me over time. I certanly don't like the idea of flying, Ive begun to dislike heights and the perspectives of space and height and any movie footage of 911 makes me fills me with panic and I get all queasy.  At first I believed that it was a terrorist attack but over time I have watched much about the american abuse of power and other theorys concerning political wrongs. 

The movie which I believe is freely available over youtube couldn't convince anyone more that not only was the 9/11 an inside job but proves just how easy the American people or people worldwide can be manipulated. I think this film as been produced by a movement of people who work under Alex Jones and they get treated like a anarcists and when you look at how corrupt the govenment is anything that rebels against it is of interest to me. This actualy film makes me think that we are the brink of an extreme facist nazi government which works in the same way. Infact I only realised recently that the Nazi's were not a communist power but a socialist nationalist power which I see more revealing itself all the time. This movie is the best out of the Loose Change series and its put together really well showing clear animations of certain things. I also believe now thats it true that governments will terminate people who can reveal information that proves of wrong doings. I now believe strongly that the American government think in ways that are insane and that they will do anything to acheive a prosperous economy to feed there own desires.