Wednesday, 31 December 2008

Game Review

Fable 2 XBOX 360

Well Its been a long time since I entertained myself with playing a rpg style game apart from going on world of warcraft on occasions which I will also review in the near future. For some reason I never thought much of these type of games which I believe was due to ignorance on my part and also thinking that all rpg games were developed for a younger Asian market but I am actually pleasantly surprised.

This game is actually the type of game I would keep for ever due to many positive things about the game. The first thing is the great lush graphics that are just stunning eye candy especially in respect to the different textures and powerful particles and details. There are though at times some simple graphics which don't actually spoil things especially water on the water wheel close up but never mind. The game play is really simple yet effective and it takes about half an hour to pick up the interface. The action in the game switches between emotional interaction and button bashing fighting if your welding a light weight weapon of course which is a style I tend not to use myself. The virtual world around yourself is simple yet full of hidden treasures and other places to explore which mainly consist of town, trails and tunnels plus also tombs. There are also many things to do in the town but you still will feel confined after a good week with the amount of extras available yet its all about developing your character and watching him or her change and grow into either a evil demonic person or a good loving person. The story dies a little bit fast yet game and mission really are interesting and will really satisfy. There are also some added H P Lovecraft stuff for those who like that kind of stuff.

Score for game

Graphics 9.4
Interface/Controls 9.6
Plot 9.7
AI 9.2
Fun/Action 9.4
Depth 8.8
Playability from a fortnight to a lifetime.


It is an additive game which will beg you to keep playing for a great length of time.


The game kept crashing all the time yet I still could not let that stop me from playing and I am now after a new hard drive for my xbox 360 as this should hopefully fix the disc reading issue.

What have I done in the game so far

After around 20 plus hours of game play I am still using my first character whom as completed the main story, developed a decent money making venture which I really liked, married and accidental killed my wife and baby which as left me feeling really ashamed, I am a handsome slightly evil and fat hero who holds a mace and rifle at the moment. I have got my dog still whom I look after. I will playing again very soon.

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